HomeGOHow to Implement the Factory Pattern in Go: Step-by-Step Tutorial

How to Implement the Factory Pattern in Go: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Factory Pattern in Go

What is the Factory Pattern?

The Factory pattern is a creational design pattern that provides an interface for creating objects in a superclass but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created. This pattern is useful when the exact type of the object to be created cannot be predicted until runtime.

Why Use the Factory Pattern?

  1. Encapsulation: It encapsulates the object creation process.
  2. Flexibility: New types of objects can be added with minimal changes.
  3. Abstraction: It promotes the use of interfaces and abstract classes.

Factory Pattern in Go

The Factory pattern can be implemented in Go using interfaces and struct types to define the factory method.

Basic Implementation

Here’s a simple implementation of the Factory pattern in Go:

package main

import "fmt"

// Product interface
type Product interface {
    Use() string

// Concrete Product 1
type ProductA struct{}

func (p ProductA) Use() string {
    return "Using Product A"

// Concrete Product 2
type ProductB struct{}

func (p ProductB) Use() string {
    return "Using Product B"

// Factory Function
func CreateProduct(productType string) Product {
    if productType == "A" {
        return &ProductA{}
    if productType == "B" {
        return &ProductB{}
    return nil

func main() {
    productA := CreateProduct("A")

    productB := CreateProduct("B")


  1. Product Interface: This defines the Use method that all products must implement.
  2. Concrete Products: ProductA and ProductB are concrete implementations of the Product interface.
  3. Factory Function: CreateProduct is the factory function that creates instances of ProductA or ProductB based on the provided type.

Example Usage

Here’s how you can use the Factory pattern in your Go application:

func main() {
    productA := CreateProduct("A")

    productB := CreateProduct("B")


Using Product A
Using Product B

In this example, the factory function CreateProduct decides which type of product to create based on the input parameter. This allows for flexible and extensible code where new product types can be easily added.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Encapsulates object creation logic.
  • Promotes loose coupling by using interfaces.
  • Simplifies code maintenance and extension.


  • Complexity: This can introduce additional complexity in the code.
  • Overhead: This may add slight overhead due to interfaces and factory methods.


The Factory pattern is a powerful tool for managing object creation in Go. It provides a flexible and scalable way to create objects, making your code more maintainable and easier to extend. As with any design pattern, it should be used judiciously and in the right context.

Next Steps

In the next post, we’ll dive into the Builder Pattern. We’ll explore its purpose, benefits, and how to implement it in Go with practical examples. Stay tuned!

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